Foreign States Activities

– Dame with crown of Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM)

– Professor, member of the staff of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Southern Maine (USA), in the areas of Math Education, Sample Surveys and Statistical Consulting.

– In 2007 Program Committee Member in the International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (CITSA), Orlando, Florida, USA.

– From 2008 up till now Program Committee Member in World Conferences on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI) in USA.

  •   – I led the following PhDs and Projects:
  • PhD on epistemology and complexity at the University of Peloponnese in Sparta, Greece. I edited the Proceedings of the 2007 World Conference held at the University of Peloponnese in Sparta. The conference was sponsored by the President of the Greek Republic who attended the conference.
  • the project on Music and Mathematics in Samos, Greece
  • PhD on Complexity and Globalization at the University in Costanza, Romania
  • the Research Project on “AIDS” at the faculty of  Engineering at the University of Botswana, Africa. This research project concerns both Africa and Asia.


1.Italian Society of Modeling and SimulationMIMOS, Turin (Italy)

2. International Institute of Computer Science, Cybernetics and Systems, Orlando, Florida, USA. This Institute is member of the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR) of the United States of America.

3. Mathematical Association of America, MAAfounded in 1915 with headquarters in Washington D.C., USA.


– Business, Industry and Government

– Philosophy and Mathematics 

–  Art and Mathematics 

–  History of Mathematics 

–  Mathematics for the Web   

– Environmental Mathematics 

– Mathematical and Computational Biology 

5. SIGMAA on Math Circles for Students and Teachers

6.Since January 2017 lifetime member of the American Mathematical Society, AMS, USA.